Tuesday, December 29, 2009
12:01 AM;
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cool eh. I slept at 5am yesterday and manage to wake up at 1. God, exactly 8 hours. :b Yes, outing tomorrow, it's cool. I haven't pack my bag. Just had an ultra big runny nose. My mom found the awesome 3-flavoured Vanhouten chocolate. I have damn lots of tidbits at home yesterday and today. :b Bought Chic. Mmmm. This issue is awesome too. And... I found the oil blotter (I've got 3 at home already! As in, oil blotter.) that Shamilah bought at Daiso. :b I bought the red one. I realise I like red more than green. But no, I like green still. The barbie girl song is damn sick. "You can touch, you can play." -_- Anyway. Bought some dog stickers. :b And sad news. My The Fame album broke. :/ Not the CD, the cover. I may buy another one. Then I'll have two. :b That shows how much I love Stefani, eh? Come on, why isn't there any Monster Ball in Singapore? Damn it. :( Wait, what else are there still. Oh, in the afternoon I spoke to Renald and his voice was so deep I was stunned for a moment. LOL. It went like this.
Me: "Hello?"
Renald: "Hello." (But I did'nt hear clearly)
Me: "So are you going to the outing tomorrow?"
Renald: "Yes."
Me: *Stunned* "Oh."
Renald: "Yeah."
Me: "Ok then. Bye"
Renald: "Bye*
Me: *Sms* I was stunned by your voice. It seem deepen a few times.
Renald: LOL. I thought it was already deep.
Me: Yeah it was deeper.
Renald: LOL.
K that's it. I'm lame, 'kay. Oh, my dinner was Long Johns'. Anyway, I went to eat. Then my mom' ordered the Grilled Deep Sea Fish. And it was fishy. So she told the waiter. Then, he asked if we wanted to change it. We said it's okay. Then after that, my dad ate instead. Then he realise it was not fully cooked. (ew) then, they refunded. But mine was okay. Mine was Fish+Chicken :b But just now, after I reached home, I had diarrhoea. But still, I love Long Johns'. Their fries simply rocks. :b Okay, that's it. I'm going to pack my bag and *try* to fix my The Fame. :(
I'd love the power of reading other's mind.
DC Superheroes at Bugis Junction is awesome.
Natasha Bedingfield - Unsomethingsomething.
11:59 PM;
Self record broke.
5 AM. :)
4:56 AM;
Sunday, December 6, 2009
On Friday, went Vivo with Shamilah. LOL. Um, set off, then went Serangoon, went out of train, saw her. Then we ran back into the train. lolz. Talked, talked, talked. Reached Vivo. Mmm. Went to buy ticket. Then 2.10pm one left frount seats only. So we tooked the 3pm back-side-seat. LOLOLOL. Because we wanted to sit at the back, and there's only the side ones. So I went like. "Hmm. Side back seat. No, backside" And both of us went Cackling. LOL. Then went Burger King, I was captivated by a papermaking advertisement at a gameshop. Then, we missed a seat. Then another because the video ad was long. Then, we finally found one, someone got there. Then, we wanted to leave, then we went back again. Then we finally saw one more. Then missed. Then, I was so pissed off I said, "See that two guy there. Take tissue and alot of chilli sauce then talk talk talk. Chilli guy." LOL. Then we called them Chilli guy. Then, I said "Then the other two use laptop then dun want give us seat" Then we went to stand beside them. LOL. Then stare at their laptop. Then, they're wiping the laptop, we standby. Then, someone took our seats. ... So, we're walking away, I saw a seat, then we went there. LOL. I went to buy first, then Shamilah joined in. Then the person in her queue took like 6 straws. So I whispered "Good game." And in the end, her queue left with one person infrount of her, while mine's 2. Yep. Then, the child infrount of her took like 30+ straws estimated. LOL. Then I was giggling. LOL. Yep, we ate (I ate mushroom swiss burger, HAHAHAHA.) we went Candy Empire. Then, we took lotsa sweets. Um, then I took very little, because I can't finish all. -_- Uh, took popping chocolate? My recommendation. LOL. Then, I commented that later eat very loud. *smuggling into cinema :p* And, she said go home then eat -_- So I said "Nvm lah, ppl thought we're eating popcorns" LOL. Then, while looking for other things, I saw a bottle of jelly beans, we decided to buy that instead of the chocolate. LOL. Then we go weigh, then we say too es. I go put back, she also put back *so awkward can* then, in the end, mine not heavy enough LOL. So I took a milky bar. LOL. Then, we're opening our jelly beans, then shamilah went "OMG THE LID SO COOL" Because it pops. (-_-) LOL. Then we went to the movie. We took shamilah's route since she said my route was wrong. Then we end up going to Habourfrount. LOLLLLLLL. Then we took my *long route* but that's the only route, duh. We watched. Then we went washroom when Jacob answered Bella's call. *He's at the funeral* LOL. Funny can. Then, after movie we went DIVA! And she wanted to buy a ring for 7$. Siow. Then, I call her go "SIX" see. (no, not sexy) Then the ring there's like $2. -_- I love Diva and Six yeyz. The Moodring like rocks lah. And their headpiece. Oooo. I don't know if I can go bugis sia. Because got two Class outing. :( Sorry Blair (Blair's also a guy's name too.) But I can't confirm luh. See first. LOL. Yep. Then I went compasspoint. Then parent fetch luh. Quite fun. OH I missed out something. When we buying the Just Nine-ce Combo, This guy like toppled the cup and was hitting it and finally catch it (So It won't drop the floor, duh). Then me and Shamilah was like Giggling. Trying not to laugh. But the guy himself laugh then three of us laugh together. LOL. So funny can. And another time, I was talking about this Russian guy on Habbosoup radio (The radio I work in as Graphics Editor, pro? lolz. I basically make graphics there) Then, Shamilah was staring at an eurasion guy who's on the other escalator. Then this indian woman smile at her. LOL funny funny funny funny funny. LOL. Yep. Ytd went training that's all. Forgot to bring my earplug -_-. And today went to Whatever Chicken pie shop. Uh *tries to remember* Ok can't. Anyway, ate Crab + noodle + soup. I don't know what's that called. Omg the soup is awesome. It's buttery and creamy and boomz. Anyway. Went Compasspoint afterwards, Uh, went action city, minitoons and bla. Lame.
Anyway, Wanted:
1) Sony Vaio, Red.
2) Purple Mouse
3) Gold Audio Technica Headphones
4) Graphic Design Earphones
5) Everlast Sweater
6) Apple iPhone 3G (I don't need 3G Speed, it's useless)
7) iPod Nano, Red
8) Nike Shoulder bag (Is that what you call it?)
9) Levi's Strauss Shoes
10) Converse (Hahahahaha.)
11) Dr.Martens, Black. :$
12) Macaron Tower Cake for Christmas
13) A really big Christmas Tree. (Provided my Brother won't spoil it...)
14) Jeggings. As in, more.
15) Design leg-jackets for Movies in Cathay. (Well, it's cold in Cathay)
16) Bright Yellow Socks
17) Nintendo Wii :p
18) The gigantic $10 revolting sunnies in Minitoons
19) RUBI Shoes shoes. (er.)
20) And their sunnies as well.
21) My brother to tear off that Sunflower sticker my mum pasted on my wall please.
22) The Monster Ball in Singapore.
10:26 PM;
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Yesterday. Hm. Missed the Double Decker bus. Yeah, I left 10 minutes earlier, yet still miss it. So. I went to the next bus. And halfway through, there's this (estimated) jc couple who's like french kissing. WTF? Then the girl infrount of me keep on fidgeting. And I keep wanting to laugh. Went to CCA. Then after dance, while going back to bus stop, I saw the awesome girl who's performing in the concert again. Her shoes are nice, her shirt is nice, Ok, about everything. It's like in such bright colours you never think the sun is bright again. Then, I contoured around the 4-way traffic. What's that called uh. Because I saw my bus coming. And what's awesome is, the guy beside me is listening to pokerface. So I took off my earplug and listened, until the song ended, I blasted (earplug, duh) Dance in the Dark. Anyway, great. Almost the whole dance club calls me Gaga now. (Hui Min =_=) Yeah. Great. Anyway, Going to Vivo tomorrow with Shami go Lah lah lah lah lah~ Yay. New Moon! :p Wait. My Schedule.
Tomorrow - Vivocity with Shamilah
8th December - Concert
11th December - Escape Theme Park (Class Outing, Yes, My Current Class)
16th December - 6C Class Outing
30th December - Sentosa with Class (6C)
Busy eh. Next. Names Memorising.
Cippy - Hayden (Happy Birthday :))
SK - Le Wei
Kelly - Weikang
Howl - Bobby
Villy (loved) - celine or seline. I don't know
sini - Douglas
mf - Douglas too.
r3dfreak - Daniel (powter :x)
Sen - Kenneth! :)
Pacheer - Ryan (my maths tutor :x)
JC! - Jeremy
strawloverrrr - Brenny (Brendon)
gene - Kelvin
FI - kelwin
hazel - hazel (...)
3:56 PM;
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Went rehearsal... then we danced all the way until 5 for break, Dinner break. Drank. Went back. Spray alot of hairspray. Until my hair's hard. I feel like a star. :B Like Lady Gaga. jk. Uh, at the hall they spray spray then got people fake put make up on my face. LOL. Awesome. Ending = I look like a guy. Yay. :) I look handsome. Like those 80s' where their hair shiny shiny. Cough. Anyway. The school is scary at night k. But nvm. I'm brave. I'm a guy at that time. HAHAHA. The RP dancers used LADY GAGA'S SONG TO DANCE. HAHAHA. Owned you, baby. I mean, Celin(e), Shantel and Weizheng. Tsktsk. Well, they also used 4 minutes - Madonna + Timbaland + Justin Timberlake. Awesome dance. I asked my senior if we're dancing hiphop. They answered "Last Time" (...) Ok. Fine. Well, the SP people are awesome too. I like the girl with eyeliner. She's awesome. Really. If only I look like her. :/ Well. Sad. Weikang or, rather, Wanku! LOL. Going to watch New Moon with other Habbos on Thursday. :( New Moon. Damn it. Shantel's got the tix already. -_- Well, I don't like New Moon that much. 80% of the scene = kissing. God, they should make it NC16. Ok, I got a feeling Eclipse's gonna be NC16 at least. Because of the dirtey part. Where they make baby. -_- Wanlin, do you still like Twilight Saga? :) After reading Eclipse (or was it Breaking Dawn), you'll not like it. I think. Duh. Call-back tomorrow. Damn. I thought I can sleep late. And what I mean is until 1pm. :) Yes, that's me. Anyway, I shall retire to bed now. Note to Lewei : You look so nerd that girls puke, and no, you're not hot. What I call hot = Robert Downey Jr. (Ok, I know he's 44. But I don't know why, American guys look hot when they're old. Get what I mean? Charlie Swan. Yes.)
12:37 AM;
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
LOL. I told an 11-year old girl I am a UK guy, Named Marc J. Hilton. LOL. You can see where I got my name from. Marc -> From Marc Jacobs. J -> Jiayu. Hilton -> Paris Hilton. LOL. Okay, okay. Hilarious. Well, dance tomorrow. At three. How the hell am I suppose to keep all my fringe up with a bottle of Hairspray? Shouldn't had cut my fringe. Anyway... Hongzheng is damn rich can. 5 Hotel Views, 4 Giant Hand, 1 Archilianoisdnfaisdfr (Whatever.), 1 Astrobar, 1 Silver Dragon. (Stunned) Ok, confession. I did'nt know he was so rich. Oh, oh. Can't wait for a movie. Or two. With my boyfriends. Peter and... John, Well that's your new name, Shamilah. Awesome stuff. Well, visit my Habbo. It's... handsome. And cool. Damn... Hongy went to Ciphras' boomz party last thursday. And met 0xygen, uh... and others. Cool can. :( He say she's chio. But no, no, She's older than him. No worries. And Jeremy chia you look so bookworm can. =_= I love flash mobs. For singapore, my favourite yet is the one at Raffles place, HTC Flash Mob. The people just walked away doing their normal things, it's Hilarious. LOL. I crack up whenever I see flash mobs. Well, on Youtube. I like the Hoppers Invasion by Sony Erricson. The person who fell into the Manhole... The one who ran over the police car, the couple who got chased by the crowd, the dog who looked stunned and the guy who's so heavy. LOL. It's funny. Really. Being in America really rocks. People there do crazy things, like rap on plane. And get interviewed by CNN. Awesome. It's kind of awesome people like me can admire Fang Datong, but his voice is special. Really. And I love his look. I want to rent movies. Like... Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Heroes,
Batman. I can't wait for Robert Downey Junior. He's awesome. In Iron Man, or not. Well you're probably wondering where I got the phrase on my blog, "When life gets hard, screw it." I went Blogskins.com surfing, and found this phrase on one of the blog, so I used it. Anyway. "Walk, walk, Fashion Baby, Work it, Move that Bitch Crazy." Is from Bad Romance - Lady Gaga. :) Her Song Book is awesome. With a poem or some-sort by her. Oh, I found a website with alot of Runway Archives. Interested, ask it from me. :) Ah, retiring to bed after one last game of Roller Trap. Bye.
1:37 AM;